Easy Baby cereal pancakes recipe using 5 Ingredients

Introducing your baby to solid foods is an exciting milestone, and incorporating homemade recipes can add variety and nutrition to their diet. Baby cereal pancakes are a wonderful option to introduce your little one to the world of breakfast delights. Packed with essential nutrients and easy to prepare, these cereal pancakes are a hit among babies and parents alike.

Homemade baby cereal pancakes provide a nutritious and enjoyable breakfast option for your little one. This simple recipe allows you to incorporate essential nutrients from baby cereal, fruits, and spices while giving your baby a delightful culinary experience. Remember to consider any allergies or dietary restrictions your baby may have, and consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. Enjoy the smiles and happy tummies as your baby discovers the joy of these delicious cereal pancakes!

Table of Contents

  • What you need to make cereal pancakes?
  • Instructions to make baby cereal pancakes
    • Other baby friendly pancake recipes
    • FAQs – Cereal pancake recipe
      baby cereal pancakes; cereal pancakes; rice cereal pancakes; cereal pancake recipe

      What you need to make cereal pancakes?

      • 1/2 cup baby cereal (choose a single-grain variety such as rice, oatmeal, or barley)
      • 1/4 cup mashed ripe banana or unsweetened applesauce
      • 1 egg (optional)
      • 1/4 cup breast milk, formula, or water
      • A pinch of cinnamon or other baby-friendly spices (optional)
      • Cooking oil or butter for greasing the pan

      Instructions to make baby cereal pancakes

      1. In a mixing bowl, combine the baby cereal, mashed banana or applesauce, liquid (breast milk, formula, or water) and egg (optional). Stir well until a smooth batter is formed. You can adjust the consistency by adding more liquid if needed. The batter should have a pancake batter-like consistency.
      2. If desired, add a pinch of cinnamon or other baby-friendly spices to enhance the flavor. Mix well to incorporate the ingredients evenly.
      3. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and lightly grease it with cooking oil or butter.
      4. Spoon small amounts of the batter onto the skillet, forming mini cereal pancakes. You can make them as small or as large as you prefer, considering your baby’s ability to hold and eat.
      5. Cook the pancakes for approximately 1-2 minutes on each side or until they are golden brown. Adjust the cooking time as needed to ensure the pancakes are cooked through.
      6. Once cooked, transfer the baby cereal pancakes to a plate and allow them to cool for a few minutes.
      7. Before serving, cut the cereal pancakes into baby-friendly portions or into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy for your baby to handle.
      8. Serve the baby cereal pancakes to your little one, either as a finger food for self-feeding or with small spoonfuls if they prefer spoon-feeding.
      baby cereal pancakes; cereal pancakes; rice cereal pancakes; cereal pancake recipe

      Other baby friendly pancake recipes

      • Watermelon pancakes – Easy and healthy pancakes using naturally sweetened watermelon makes babies favorite pancake recipe.
      • Blueberry pancakes – Classic pancake recipe using blueberries make a delicious breakfast option for families.
      • Applesauce pancakes – Made using homemade applesauce, these pancakes make a great option.
      • Banana pancakes – Naturally sweetened healthy pancakes loved by babies and toddlers.
      • Apple pancake – Another versatile baby friendly pancake recipe.

      FAQs – Cereal pancake recipe

      Can I use baby cereal in place of flour?

      Yes, you can use baby cereal as a substitute for flour in certain recipes. Baby cereal, such as rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, or barley cereal, can be used in baking recipes to add nutritional value and texture. However, it’s important to consider a few factors when substituting baby cereal for flour:

      1. Texture: Baby cereal has a different texture compared to regular flour. It is typically more finely ground and may have a smoother consistency. This can affect the final texture of your baked goods. Baby cereal works best as a substitute in recipes where a slightly denser or softer texture is desirable.
      2. Binding Properties: Regular flour contains gluten, which helps bind ingredients together. Baby cereal does not contain gluten, so it may not provide the same binding properties. This means that certain recipes, such as bread or cakes that rely heavily on gluten for structure, may not work as well with baby cereal as a substitute for flour.
      3. Adjustments: When using baby cereal as a substitute, you may need to make adjustments to the other ingredients in the recipe. Baby cereal absorbs more moisture than regular flour, so you might need to increase the liquid content slightly to maintain the desired consistency of the batter or dough.
      4. Taste and Nutritional Benefits: Baby cereal can add flavor and nutritional value to your recipes. Different types of baby cereal, such as rice, oatmeal, or barley, have distinct flavors that can complement certain recipes. Additionally, baby cereal often contains added nutrients, such as iron and vitamins, which can provide additional nutritional benefits to your baked goods.

      What can I mix baby cereal with?

      Baby cereal can be mixed with a variety of ingredients to add flavor, texture, and nutritional value. Here are some ideas for mixing baby cereal:

      1. Breast Milk or Formula: The most common choice for mixing baby cereal is breast milk or formula. It provides familiar taste and nutrition, helping your baby transition to solid foods more smoothly. Start with a thinner consistency and gradually thicken the mixture as your baby becomes more comfortable with textures.
      2. Fruit Purees: Mixing baby cereal with fruit purees adds natural sweetness and introduces your baby to different flavors. Purees of fruits like bananas, apples, pears, peaches, or berries can be blended with baby cereal to create a creamy and tasty combination. Ensure the fruits are ripe, cooked (if needed), and properly pureed for easy digestion.
      3. Vegetable Purees: Introducing vegetables is essential for your baby’s developing palate. Mix pureed vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, or butternut squash, with baby cereal for added nutritional value. These combinations provide a balanced meal and help expand your baby’s taste preferences.
      4. Yogurt: As your baby grows older and introduces dairy, mixing baby cereal with plain yogurt can offer additional nutrients and probiotics. Yogurt adds creaminess and a tangy flavor to the cereal mixture. Ensure that the yogurt is suitable for your baby’s age and does not contain added sugars or artificial flavors.
      5. Nut Butters: Once your baby has successfully tried individual nut butters and has no allergies, you can mix a small amount of smooth peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter with baby cereal. This adds healthy fats and a nutty taste to the mixture. Note that it’s important to introduce potential allergenic foods one at a time and watch for any adverse reactions.
      6. Spices: Adding a pinch of baby-friendly spices can enhance the flavor profile of baby cereal. Mild spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla extract can be added in small amounts to introduce new tastes and aromas to your baby’s meals. Ensure the spices are appropriate for your baby’s age and do not cause any discomfort or allergies.

      Always introduce new foods one at a time, watching for any signs of allergies or intolerance. Consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new ingredients or combinations, especially if your baby has specific dietary needs or medical conditions. Gradually increase the thickness and texture of the mixtures as your baby becomes more adept at swallowing and handling solid foods.

      baby cereal pancakes; cereal pancakes; rice cereal pancakes; cereal pancake recipe

      How to make homemade baby cereal?

      Making homemade baby cereal is a simple and cost-effective way to provide your little one with a nutritious and wholesome meal. Here’s a basic recipe for homemade baby cereal:


      • 1 cup of whole grain, such as brown rice, oats, quinoa, or millet


      1. Choose the whole grain you want to use for the baby cereal. Popular options include brown rice, oats, quinoa, or millet. Ensure the grain is of good quality and free from any contaminants.
      2. Thoroughly rinse the grain under running water to remove any dirt or impurities.
      3. In a saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
      4. Add the rinsed grain to the boiling water and reduce the heat to low.
      5. Simmer the grain, covered, for about 15-20 minutes or until it becomes tender. The cooking time may vary depending on the grain you choose, so check the package instructions for specific guidelines.
      6. Once the grain is fully cooked and tender, remove the saucepan from the heat.
      7. Allow the cooked grain to cool slightly before transferring it to a blender or food processor.
      8. Blend the cooked grain until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency. Add small amounts of water or breast milk/formula, if needed, to adjust the thickness to your desired consistency. Note that the cereal will naturally thicken as it cools.
      9. Pour the homemade baby cereal into clean, airtight containers for storage.
      10. Store the homemade baby cereal in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Discard any leftovers after that period.

      When serving the homemade baby cereal to your little one, ensure it is at an appropriate temperature and watch for any signs of allergies or intolerance. Gradually introduce new foods and textures, and consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns or questions regarding your baby’s specific dietary needs.

      Homemade baby cereal allows you to have control over the ingredients and provides a fresh alternative to store-bought options. Experiment with different grains and combinations to offer a variety of flavors and nutritional benefits to your baby’s meals.

      How do you turn cereal into flour?

      Turning cereal into flour requires a few simple steps. Here’s a basic method for converting cereal into flour:

      1. Select the Cereal: Choose a cereal that you want to turn into flour. Whole grain cereals like oats, rice, or wheat work well for this purpose. Ensure that the cereal is dry and free from any added sugars or flavorings.
      2. Toast the Cereal (Optional): Toasting the cereal can enhance the flavor and make it easier to grind. Spread the cereal evenly on a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven at a low temperature (around 300°F or 150°C) for about 10-15 minutes. Keep a close eye on the cereal to prevent it from burning.
      3. Cool the Cereal: Allow the toasted cereal to cool completely before grinding. Cooling helps maintain the quality of the flour and prevents moisture from affecting the grinding process.
      4. Grind the Cereal: Use a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder to grind the cereal into flour. Depending on the device you are using, you may need to grind the cereal in batches to achieve a fine texture. Pulse or process the cereal until it reaches the desired consistency of flour. It may take a few minutes of grinding to achieve a smooth and powdery texture.
      5. Sieve (Optional): If you want an even finer flour, you can sift the ground cereal through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any larger particles. This step is optional and depends on your preference.
      6. Store the Flour: Transfer the cereal flour to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. It is best to use the cereal flour within a few weeks to ensure freshness and optimal flavor.

      Can I add vanilla extract to baby cereal pancakes?

      It is generally safe to add a small amount of vanilla extract to baby cereal pancakes to enhance the flavor. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

      1. Age and Development: Vanilla extract is typically introduced to babies who have already started solid foods and are around 6 months or older. Before introducing any new ingredients, it’s important to consult with your pediatrician to ensure your baby is developmentally ready and does not have any specific dietary restrictions or allergies.
      2. Minimal Amount: When adding vanilla extract to baby cereal pancakes, it is recommended to use a minimal amount. A drop or two of vanilla extract is usually sufficient to provide a subtle flavor without overwhelming the cereal pancakes. Too much vanilla extract can make the taste too strong or overpowering for your baby.
      3. Quality and Source: Choose a high-quality, pure vanilla extract without any additional additives or artificial flavors. Avoid using imitation vanilla extract, as it may contain additional ingredients that are not suitable for babies.
      4. Gradual Introduction: As with any new ingredient, it’s important to introduce vanilla extract gradually and observe your baby’s reaction. Start with a small amount and monitor for any signs of discomfort, allergies, or digestive issues. If there are any adverse reactions, discontinue the use of vanilla extract and consult with your pediatrician.
      5. Alternative Options: If you prefer to avoid using vanilla extract, you can consider using other natural flavorings, such as mashed ripe fruits (like bananas or berries), cinnamon, or a pinch of nutmeg, to add a touch of flavor to your baby cereal pancakes.

      Remember that every baby is unique, and what works well for one may not work for another. It’s always best to consult with your pediatrician for personalized advice and recommendations regarding introducing new ingredients and flavors to your baby’s diet.

      baby cereal pancakes; cereal pancakes; rice cereal pancakes; cereal pancake recipe

      Cereal pancakes

      Rashmi Madhwaraj
      Homemade baby cereal pancakes provide a nutritious and enjoyable breakfast option for your little one. This simple recipe allows you to incorporate essential nutrients from baby cereal, fruits, and spices while giving your baby a delightful culinary experience. Remember to consider any allergies or dietary restrictions your baby may have, and consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. Enjoy the smiles and happy tummies as your baby discovers the joy of these delicious cereal pancakes!
      Prep Time 5 minutes
      Cook Time 10 minutes
      Total Time 15 minutes
      Course baby food, Breakfast
      Cuisine American, baby food
      Servings 2 serving


      • 1/2 cup baby cereal choose a single-grain variety such as rice, oatmeal, or barley
      • 1/4 cup mashed ripe banana or unsweetened applesauce
      • 1 egg optional
      • 1/4 cup breast milk formula, or water
      • A pinch of cinnamon or other baby-friendly spices optional
      • Cooking oil or butter for greasing the pan


      • In a mixing bowl, combine the baby cereal, mashed banana or applesauce, liquid (breast milk, formula, or water) and egg (optional). Stir well until a smooth batter is formed. You can adjust the consistency by adding more liquid if needed. The batter should have a pancake batter-like consistency.
      • If desired, add a pinch of cinnamon or other baby-friendly spices to enhance the flavor. Mix well to incorporate the ingredients evenly.
      • Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and lightly grease it with cooking oil or butter.
      • Spoon small amounts of the batter onto the skillet, forming mini cereal pancakes. You can make them as small or as large as you prefer, considering your baby’s ability to hold and eat.
      • Cook the pancakes for approximately 1-2 minutes on each side or until they are golden brown. Adjust the cooking time as needed to ensure the pancakes are cooked through.
      • Once cooked, transfer the baby cereal pancakes to a plate and allow them to cool for a few minutes.
      • Before serving, cut the cereal pancakes into baby-friendly portions or into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy for your baby to handle.
      • Serve the baby cereal pancakes to your little one, either as a finger food for self-feeding or with small spoonfuls if they prefer spoon-feeding.


      Other baby friendly pancake recipes

      • Watermelon pancakes – Easy and healthy pancakes using naturally sweetened watermelon makes babies favorite pancake recipe.
      • Blueberry pancakes – Classic pancake recipe using blueberries make a delicious breakfast option for families.
      • Applesauce pancakes – Made using homemade applesauce, these pancakes make a great option.
      • Banana pancakes – Naturally sweetened healthy pancakes loved by babies and toddlers.
      • Apple pancake – Another versatile baby friendly pancake recipe.
      Keyword cereal pancakes

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